(Guide) How to start a tech blog FAST with Hexo

If you are an aspiring tech blogger looking to launch your site quickly, look no more. This post is about how I spun up a blog in under 15 minutes using Hexo (I was not paid to write this).

I’ll share my personal experience and provide a step-by-step process to help you succeed where I’ve failed before.

Why Hexo?

Hexo is like many of the existing static site generators out there, but with one awesome caveat: there’s a lot of batteries included. These are some of the reasons I chose to use Hexo:

  • It has crazy awesome documentation with plenty of examples
  • It is more lightweight and faster than using Wordpress
  • It supports markdown out of the box
  • Setup can be done in under 5 minutes
  • It is secure by default (static sites tend to be)
  • It is highly customizable with themes
  • It is free and open source
  • There is a built in server for local testing
  • There is no database required
  • Support for multiple languages is possible through i18n
  • Configuration is located in one place (a _config.yml file that is easy to read and parse)
def give_reader_words_of_encouragement() -> None:
print("It has code highlighting out of the box")

If you’re convinced or willing to give it a try, let’s go through setup together.


Setup takes about 10-15 minutes.


  • install Node.js (Should be at least Node.js 10.13, recommends 12.0 or higher)
  • install Git

Installing Hexo

  • install Hexo:
    npm install hexo-cli -g
  • setup the initial blog:
    hexo init blog
  • install dependencies
    cd blog && npm install
  • start the server:
    hexo server

Congratulations. You have a working blog already.

hexo hello world page

Spend the next 5 minutes becoming familiar with how to create blog pages and blog posts:

Documentation concerning blog creation is here (5 minute read): https://hexo.io/docs/writing.html

Create a new page

$ hexo new page about

Create a new post

$ hexo new "My New Post"

More info: Writing

Create a new draft

$ hexo new draft "My New Post"

Publish draft

$ hexo publish draft "My New Post"

Under the hood, this just moves the markdown file from source/_drafts to source/_posts

Run server

$ hexo server

More info: Server

Generate static files

$ hexo generate

More info: Generating

Deploy to remote sites

$ hexo deploy

More info: Deployment


Documentation can be found here